mercredi 18 mars 2009

The reglement inside Notre Dame school .

Pupils aren't allowed to run on the playground but they are allowed to run during sport lesson .
Boys aren't allowed to have earrings but girls are allowed to have earrings .
Pupils aren't allowed to sing in lessons but they are allowed to sing in music lessons .
They aren't allowed to wear vulgar but pupils are allowed to wear colours clothes .
Pupils aren't allowed to take photos in school but they are allowed to take photos during a trip .

1 commentaire:

Miss STAS a dit…

"règlement" est un mot français!!!!
Sinon, que signifie "They aren't allowed to wear vulgar but pupils are allowed to wear colours clothes"?
Je comprends qu'il s'agit des vêtements, mais c'est quoi comme vêtement le "vulgar"? Et "colour" = "couleur", donc tu parles de "vêtements couleurs"!!!... What is it?!!